7: Why So Serious?

7: Why So Serious?

Life can feel heavy, and circumstances seem serious. But what if having a lighter state of mind could shift all of that? Today, Barb and Melissa talk about the errant belief that ‘grinding’ and taking our lives and businesses too seriously is somehow beneficial. Are there areas in your life where you can lighten up and discover the real possibilities of freedom and joy from a freer, lighter mind?

6: What Came First—Courage or Action?

6: What Came First—Courage or Action?

What if courage nor confidence were needed to step more fully into our lives? In today’s episode, Melissa and Barb demonstrate ways to show up in life without having to have it all figured out before we do. Though courage and vulnerability are often present in our lives, Barb and Melissa discuss the beauty of being able to take action regardless.

5: Is Comparing Ourselves to Others Ever A Good Idea?

5: Is Comparing Ourselves to Others Ever A Good Idea?

Join us today as Barb and Melissa discuss the pitfalls of comparing ourselves to others, while also acknowledging
that being real and authentic is in fact most women’s (most people’s) true desire.

What things challenge you in your quest to be who you truly are—unmasked, with no filters? Melissa and Barb remind us that we find our authenticity and our unique expression within.

4: Why the Amount of Money We Have Doesn’t Guarantee a Free Mind

4: Why the Amount of Money We Have Doesn’t Guarantee a Free Mind

In today’s episode, Melissa & Barb discuss how allowing external circumstances to affect their state of being is risky business. With compassion for themselves and others, our hosts share anecdotal moments of recognizing how our state of our mind can lend to moments that make for the best memories, or how our overthinking can get in the way. Are there areas in your life where you recognize that a stirred up state of mind or errant thinking affect your experiences?

3: What Do French Fries Have To Do With A Clear Mind?

3: What Do French Fries Have To Do With A Clear Mind?

Are you wondering what french fries have to do with a clear mind?

Join our hosts for today’s episode to discover the wisdom within french fries and other “incidents,” as they recognize, through their own hilarious yet profound stories, how the internal state of our mind very much affects our life experiences—and visa versa if we let them.

And, don’t be surprised if your mantra for today becomes, “Get out of the car!”.

2: What Feeling Do You Bring to Each Conversation?

2: What Feeling Do You Bring to Each Conversation?

In this episode, Barb and Melissa take Maya Angelou’s famous sage wisdom and share the transformative power in showing up real and in the moment in our everyday connections.

What’s possible when we show up as our natural self in our intimate relationships, our businesses and our day to day interactions? This episode includes beautifully articulated insights and anecdotal moments that convey ways in which our hosts have witnessed the power of getting more curious about what’s right in front of them, rather than having so much of themselves on their minds.

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