Surrender to the Natural Pace of Things | Blog

Surrender to the Natural Pace of Things | Blog

I get ahead in my mind a lot. When I’m excited about a new project, a new idea, a new opportunity or the hope of one, I am off to the races in my mind. I get excited and inspired about all the possibilities. This can be a fun part of the creative process; we pipe dream and play with the potential of what’s possible. That creative spark, the inspiration and aliveness let us know we might be on to something.

What Happens When We Go All In | Blog

What Happens When We Go All In | Blog

How do we bring our entire self to what is in front of us? We go ALL IN.

What does go “all in” mean? There is a way to be all in, in feeling, in enthusiasm, in presence. Engaging wholeheartedly in an open way with no attachment to outcome.

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