17: Let That Elephant Go!

17: Let That Elephant Go!

Melissa and Barb discuss the illusion of limits through the eyes of a baby elephant. They learn at an early age that they don’t have the strength to break free from bondage—until they get bigger and do, in fact, have the power to break free.

16: Go Back To Your Factory Default Settings

16: Go Back To Your Factory Default Settings

All of nature—even our bodies—have an innate intelligence that brings things back into harmony and balance. Wouldn’t the same be true of our minds?

 Today, join Melissa and Barb for a discussion highlighting the inherent reset capabilities within all of us, focusing on the profound difference simply realizing this can make in our lives.

Take Time & Space To Listen To What’s True For You | Blog

Take Time & Space To Listen To What’s True For You | Blog

Often in business or our leadership, we respect pushing through, and as a result, we override our feelings or desires. We have this idea that strength means we ignore any internal resistance and see it as a sign of weakness. Popular culture would have us believe that to be successful in business, we must push, sacrifice, ignore our desires, and “buck up.”

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