Why You May Not Want to Believe Everything You Think | Blog

Why You May Not Want to Believe Everything You Think | Blog

I was sitting on my couch, having a cup of coffee, and reading when a loud thump made me jump. I looked over and realized a bird had collided with my window. While reading “When birds hit windows,” this sentence stood out for me, “Most often, window collisions happen because birds see various reflections in the glass and mistake those reflections for something real.” My immediate thought when reading this was, “Yeah. I get it. Me too.”

Why Being Present Is Better Than Being Prepared | Blog

Why Being Present Is Better Than Being Prepared | Blog

Have you ever needed to have an important conversation and found yourself thinking it over and over in your mind – a lot? Me too. It seems like the smart thing, or a necessary thing, to do if we want that conversation to go as well as possible. What if this is a misunderstanding and influence doesn’t come from what we say but from our presence?

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