The Path To Fulfillment Is A Crooked One | Video

The Path To Fulfillment Is A Crooked One

When you look at my career you will see that I started out in personal development teaching public seminars then moved into professional training and development. From there, I moved into leadership development to organizational and talent development. You will also see that I’ve lived around the US and in Paris where I was an executive and the head of a large global function. 

At first glance it looks pretty linear and the progression seems logical. Here’s what you don’t see…

In the midst of all those years, I went out on my own in my twenties and again in my thirties and failed both times. The result of which was major debt along with a mix of shame, insecurity and wondering if I would ever get it right. 

You also won’t see the fact that mixed throughout those years, I was a massage therapist, I waited tables at a few different restaurants, I worked in a furniture store and I lived above someone’s garage and helped take care of their children in exchange for rent. You won’t see that I moved back in with my mom in my thirties to try and get back on track financially. 

And finally, you won’t see the endless hours I spent trying to figure out my purpose and how to overcome all my issues so I could live up to some unknown “potential”. You won’t see all the unfinished ideas, half-baked attempts and let’s just say it, the really bad ideas. 

Fulfillment, happiness and success all felt out of reach. It seemed tied to this illusive “purpose” and somehow getting “on-course”. I thought it meant I had to overcome all my personal frailties and issues, or I would forever be lost. 

Today, I’m incredibly grateful to know that is a huge misunderstanding. 

What if there is no such thing as “off-course”? What if fulfillment is right here, right now? What if purpose is not a doing or a role or our contribution but is available to all of us by engaging more fully in the present moment? 

When I was waiting tables, working in the furniture store or living above a garage, was I ever really on the wrong path? In hindsight, I can see that every step, every twist and turn, every setback led me to the next thing. 

Every step along the journey has contributed to my evolution, my growth and to my life. 

With time and perspective, we are able to see the gift. We see that all of our life is “on-the-job” training. Every part of the journey is an opportunity to expand consciousness and for self-actualization. Every step is an opportunity to experience the truth of who we really are. 

On track, off track, is an illusion of the mind. What if where you are right now is purposeful and you could let go of the pressure to get it right or figure it out?

There is no arrival point or destination or perfect job. Fulfillment does not come by figuring out the right path, it comes in the precious moments along the way.

When we SEE that the richness of life, the depth of connection and insight lies in the here and now, we stop racing across the surface of our lives and we “drop-in” and soak up the wonder and joy of what is. As is. 

We discover, we are right where we are meant to be.

Below is the fourth and final video from the 2020 INSIGHT program: The Crooked Path to Fulfillment. In this video, I explore what’s possible when we let go of trying to figure out our purpose and discover we are on purpose. 

If you would like to access the Free 4-Part Video Series: Our Being Fuels Our Doing, you can do that by clicking here.

“Fulfillment does not come by figuring out the right path, it comes in the precious moments along the way.”

The ability to live in our lives – dropping in – this is where fulfillment lives. In these moments of presence, we get filled up. We are touched by life.

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Barbara Patterson is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs & leaders access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of fulfillment in work and life. She is the founder of Beyond Limits in Business, a global platform and community designed to point people to the source of human potential. That potential resides within and is experienced via our minds. Barb is also the host of the Real Business Real Lives podcast. You can follow Barb on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at 



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