In the simple and powerful act of engaging, magic happens.

We get clear, we get informed, we get inspired. Momentum gathers, and we tap into the creative flow. We experience more levels of joy, fulfillment and authentic inspiration.


Rohini Ross and I feel so strongly about what this can do for people, that we’ve created this 3-Part Video Series. SEEING this for ourselves has transformed our businesses and our lives.

We’ve been so inspired by all the stories of people who were able to get unstuck, move forward and see results as part of The Engaged Space: A 30-Day Experiment. If you’d like to explore engagement in more depth, you can check it out.



What Stops Us from Engaging

In this first lesson you’ll learn how thought can stop us from moving forward and how SEEING our thinking for what it is can be a complete game-changer and get us unstuck.


Engaging With Nothing On It

In this second lesson you will learn how to move forward with more freedom of mind, less attached to results and why it’s the secret to inspiration and tapping into new potential.


Tapping Into the Natural Momentum

In this lesson you’ll learn how to get a feel for the natural momentum of your work and the value of following flow versus trying to push.

About Barb

What would you say if I told you the most important thing you can do for your leadership, your company, or yourself is to connect authentically to your own innate wisdom and potential?

Over the last 20 years I have worked with leaders, entrepreneurs and organizations from around the world. What I’ve seen, is that there is one variable that distinguishes the great leaders from the good ones. Great leaders are able to tap into new levels of potential, performance and creativity. They don’t rely on other’s formulas or effort alone; they are connected to their own innate nature and lead from their own knowing; a deeper intelligence.

To unlock this variable, I work with leaders and entrepreneurs in real-time, through powerful and relevant conversations that have immediate impact. My clients see meaningful results, experience higher levels of flow and performance, and show up as more influential change makers.

Who I Work With

See more opportunities, build stronger client relationships, and access more of your creative thinking.

Upgrade your ability to lead, influence, and drive change. Promote higher-level thinking and innovation.

Access new levels of performance, increased engagement, innovation, and more effective alignment to vision.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Barb Patterson and work closely with her. I’ve witnessed her working with coaches, leaders and groups, and whether she’s one-on-one or on stage in front of a room, her presence, grounding, and insight create a powerful space for growth and change. Basically, I feel comfortable putting her in front of the room with anyone, regardless of their background or level of expertise, which is why I have invited her to be part of the faculty for Supercoach Academy and why I recommend her to anyone looking to make changes with their people and to take their business forward.

– Michael Neill