How to Have More Freedom & Go Beyond Limits in Business

How to Have More Freedom & Go Beyond Limits in Business

A week ago, I was in a conversation with a friend, and he challenged me with a simple comment, “Restricting or cutting something off when it still has life in it and brings you joy doesn't make sense to me.”

Well, put that way, it doesn't make sense to me either. You see, restricting and cutting it off a moment before that comment seemed like a really good idea. Why? Because it didn't look the way, I thought it was supposed to. And if I'm honest, that was uncomfortable. Because it was new, unknown, and didn't look the way I thought, I didn't know how to manage it or myself within it.

After that conversation, it hit me; I want to feel more alive, freer, more in the flow of life, yet I'm putting barriers up in the form of restrictions. 

I began to see how in a desire to understand, to manage, or to feel comfortable, we often put restrictions on ourselves or situations. We place restrictions on what we are willing to share, do or try in our work and lives. We put restrictions on how willing we are to speak our truth, be ourselves or go for something we want because it throws us into the unknown.

One of the most common things I hear from the entrepreneurs and business owners I work with is a desire to step out more fully. In one form or another, they say things like…

I want to tap into new potential, expand my reach or step into new possibilities in my business.
I want to grow my business and have more impact.
I want to experience more joy and fulfillment in my work. 
I know there is more within me to share and contribute to the world. 
I want to lead in my business and life from a place of authenticity. 
I want to be more free with my expression and creativity. I want the freedom to be me.

Yet, like me, they don’t see how they are trying to experience more of the fullness of life yet putting loads of restrictions on it.

For instance…

Putting restrictions on where we can go in our businesses because it doesn't match what we've done in the past or what the experts say is the right way. 

Wanting to experience more enthusiasm and joy in our work and then limiting how or when it’s allowed. Meaning, we can only be enthusiastic if we’re guaranteed it will work out or lead to a particular result.

Wanting to try new things, stretch ourselves and see what's possible but only if we don't look or feel stupid doing it. 

Wanting to create new products, services, or ways to be valuable but never hitting the go button because we're unwilling to feel like a beginner or fail. 

Wanting to experience more love and connection than putting restrictions on what love is, what it looks like, and how it has to look for us to see, feel or enjoy it.

To experience the fullness of life and what's possible, consider letting go of these restrictions and self-imposed boundaries.

When we withhold, restrict or constrict, we experience a limited version of ourselves and our lives.

An eagle or bird must spread its wings to capture the wind and fly. In the same way, a bird begins to fall when they tuck their wings in – so do we. 

When we control or restrict, we limit the possibilities in the moment. Putting restrictions on ourselves often gets in the way of new momentum or the lift needed to fly. 

When we move forward in our lives wholeheartedly, with hearts wide open, we bring forth our entire selves. We feel alive, and we meet the moment with its full potential. 

We can't guarantee the outcome, but we feel the call within to leap, to see what's possible. When we give ourselves free rein to explore, express and discover, we find our way to new expressions, results, and outcomes. 

We have an internal reservoir of creativity, resilience, wellbeing, and power that helps us navigate and rise to the occasion. We have a safety net. 

We have within us everything that is needed to place ourselves more fully in the world. 

We were born to live in a much freer way. 

“When we withhold, control or restrict, we experience a limited version of the moment and ourselves.”

When we live from our true self, rather than how we’ve been conditioned to live, we experience more joy, freedom and fulfillment.

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Barbara Patterson is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs & leaders access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of fulfillment in work and life. She is the founder of Beyond Limits in Business, a global platform and community designed to point people to the source of human potential. That potential resides within and is experienced via our minds. Barb is also the host of the Real Business Real Lives podcast. You can follow Barb on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at 



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