Do You Know Who You Are? | Video

Do You Know Who You Are?

Do you know who you are? I don’t mean your personality, your strengths & weaknesses or your experiences. I mean at your core – do you know the fullness of who you are? You see, beyond all of our conditioned ideas about ourselves there is more to discover. There is so much more to who we are than we might imagine.

Consider for a moment that there is more that you don’t know about yourself than you do. How do we discover this? By looking beyond what we know, by letting go of our ideas about ourselves.

Beyond the surface of our thoughts, our efforts and our strategies resides an incredible, innate, resourcefulness. Beyond the familiar and known is a “Well of Being”; an infinite source of new thought, fresh perspective, shifts of consciousness, pure potential, connection and love. This Well of Being, our deeper nature, funds and fuels all of life including us.

When we look at and consider that we have both a human nature and a deeper nature, it changes the way we move in our world. 

When we discover and have our own personal felt knowing of this deeper nature, it has profound and practical implications for our lives and our work in the world. We discover that there is something else at work other than our will, our drive and our efforts. We discover there is more to us than we knew.

When we go beyond our limited ideas of who we think we are, we tap into our true selves. From this space, we tap into new depths of authenticity & potential.

When we are connected to our deeper nature, we are connected to an energy force that has unlimited power. When we connect to that and move forward from there, we experience the power of our presence and the presence of something greater. 

Our relationship to our deeper nature – our Being – fuels what we do and how we show up.

To know this space within, is to know who we are. Not by surface measures of image, strategies or effort, but by inhabiting all of who we are – our wholeness. 

Earlier this year, I led a 4-week virtual program with Amy Johnson, Scott Kelly, Angus & Rohini Ross called 2020 INSIGHT. We shared personal insights and lessons we’ve learned in 4 areas: habits, health, relationships and work. I led the week that was focused on purpose and work. 

During the week, I shared four insights I’ve had in my own business and through working with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and leaders from around the world. These are four orientations that have helped me, and my clients, access new possibilities, momentum and reach. 

In this first video: Do You Know Who You Are, I share one of the most significant realizations I have had on my journey. Bringing my best self to my work and life used to look like a full-time job. I had a lot of things to manage: my personality, my behavior, my psychology, my issues, etc. While I was totally up for it, and willing, it was definitely an uphill battle and the impact was inconsistent. 

When I started to consider that we are BOTH these amazing humans AND we have this deeper nature – our true nature, everything simplified. I discovered the real source of transformation and new potential.

Watch the video to hear more about my personal journey.

If you would like to access the Free 4-Part Video Series: Our Being Fuels Our Doing, you can do that by clicking here.

“When we experience the connection between our true nature, our authentic nature, and our work in the world, it changes everything.”

There is no real “doing” in the world that is not first impacted by our “being”.
Our Being fuels our Doing.

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Barbara Patterson is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs & leaders access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of fulfillment in work and life. She is the founder of Beyond Limits in Business, a global platform and community designed to point people to the source of human potential. That potential resides within and is experienced via our minds. Barb is also the host of the Real Business Real Lives podcast. You can follow Barb on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at 



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