Deeply Inclusive Spaces that Lift Every Voice

Deeply Inclusive Spaces Lift Every Voice

What does it mean to “Lift Every Voice”? To create inclusive spaces, conversations, and work that inhabits deep inclusion? Why does it matter?

I think it's fair to say there is value and richness in having diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences in our work and lives. Most of us would even say we love when it happens. 

Being exposed to new cultures, languages, and experiences that are different than our own expands our view of the world and expands our minds. It enriches our lives. We are better for it.

In business, numerous studies illustrate the value, both monetarily and creatively, in diversity of thought, culture, and experience in leadership roles. Organizations that take deliberate action to create inclusive cultures thrive and have higher levels of job satisfaction.

When teams are diverse in their perspectives, ideas & opinions, a collective wisdom emerges that take the organization's innovation, creativity, products, and solutions to new levels. Job fulfillment rises when various outlooks and contributions are valued.

Philosophically, most people and organizations agree that a wider range of ideas, creativity, knowledge, and experience makes them stronger. Yet, many of us realize that there is a gap between our ideals and our current realities. Our work environments, networks, communities where we live, and the activities we engage in are more “same same” than deeply inclusive – more like us than different.

This was true for me. When taking a look at my work and life through the lens of deep inclusion, I realized there was more opportunity for me. I had a way to go – the gap was real. It was then that I realized inclusion requires intention. Without intention, we are subject to the unconscious biases that keep us interacting in circles and environments that are like us. We create and live-in echo chambers.

Without conscious intention towards deep inclusion, I had inadvertently limited my circle of influence. My network, mentors, teachers, the people I was learning from, the places I went for information, for the most part, all looked and sounded like me.

Bottom line, my life and my actions did not reflect the richness available from deep inclusion. I had a long way to go regarding creating a deeply inclusive life. I was in a bubble, and when it popped, it was humbling and liberating. Beyond the uncomfortable feelings was a more profound call from within; to do what I could to change the landscape of my world. 

I wasn't sure where to begin, but the question was clear. How do I create deeply inclusive spaces and networks that welcome, respect, and value others' lived experiences?

As it happens, when we get open, curious, and listen, our wisdom within guides us where to go. Possibilities and opportunities present themselves.

Last fall, I was invited by a client, Barbara Hammond, to attend the Lift Every Voice Institute. This experience proved to be transformative on many levels.

After the training, I immediately reached out to the founders, Donald King & Kurt Wootton, to see if they would be open to creating a public offering for my network and community. The answer was, Yes.

Today, I'm excited to share part one of a two-part interview I did with Don and Kurt for the Conversations that Transform Series.

In this interview, we explore what deep inclusion means and why we must look within to define the answer for ourselves. We talk about the value of inclusion and how we create rich, authentic, diverse relationships and networks.

At the heart of deep inclusion is belonging. Are we creating spaces and networks where others know they belong?

I hope these conversations become a catalyst for new awareness, shifts of consciousness, aha moments, and a space where new possibilities emerge.

Enjoy part 1 with Don & Kurt: Deep Inclusion Encourages Spaces that Lift & Value Every Voice



“At the heart of deep inclusion is belonging. Are we creating spaces and networks where others know they belong?”

“The call to love beyond our own flesh and blood is ancient. It echoes down to us on the lips of indigenous leaders, spiritual teachers, and social reformers through the centuries. They all expanded the circle of who counts as “one of us”, and therefore who is worth of our care and concern.” – Valarie Kaur

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Barbara Patterson is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs & leaders access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of fulfillment in work and life. She is the founder of Beyond Limits in Business, a global platform and community designed to point people to the source of human potential. That potential resides within and is experienced via our minds. Barb is also the host of the Real Business Real Lives podcast. You can follow Barb on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at 



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