What would it look like and feel like if, instead of pushing for success or trying to make it happen, we focused on cultivating our ability to listen to ourselves and the natural intelligence within?
What if the path to joy, fulfillment, and impact in our work and life starts first by nourishing and amplifying the connection to our deeper nature?
Don’t get me wrong; I believe in engaging with life. You will often hear me saying, “Engage,” “Move and let the action show you more of the way.” and “Don’t wait to be ready.” Still, over the last couple of years, I have felt the pull of grounding, deepening my roots, and paying attention to the soil – where I’m planting the seeds of my creative ideas and where those ideas are actually coming from.
In other words, I have felt a falling away of old constructs of success, effort, and hard work. I’ve had to face that perhaps the old patterns of making it happen and pushing myself were creating an underlying hum of exhaustion.
My old formulas were no longer working and were draining the joy and play out of my work and business.
While this has not always been a comfortable exploration, and the falling away has meant facing some old beliefs, such as I have to “earn” the right to rest, receive, and be successful – it is waking me up to a whole new way of being in my business.
It’s an ongoing journey that requires cultivating deeper listening and more presence so that I can hear beyond the noise of old beliefs, strategies, and formulas. It requires trusting what is there, nudging me, versus what’s worked in the past.
Here’s the good news. Letting go and trusting shows us more of who we are, our strengths, and what’s possible when we let something deeper guide us.
When we listen to the deeper intelligence, to what is alive within us, we align from a place of deep roots.
When we come from our ideas of success, what we should do, or strategy alone, it does not have the same aliveness as when we follow an inner nudge or inspiration.
Where we are driven is often different from where we are drawn.
Cultivating our ability to listen and hear where we are drawn, where our hearts want to take us, may require we pause and ground. This groundedness informs our actions.
From this space, our work and businesses have the potential to reflect a way of being versus all our doing.
When we are rooted in this deeper nature, we experience new potential and growth from a more sustainable and life-giving source.
This is a powerful path to shifts of consciousness, transformation, and new results.
During these final days of 2022, as we enter the New Year, I wish you restorative rest and quiet moments of presence with yourself, where you can hear the inspiration of those inner nudges.
I look forward to seeing what 2023 has in store for us all.