Bloom Right Where You Are With What You Have | Blog

Bloom Right Where You Are With What You Have

There is a saying, “Bloom Where You’re Planted” that I love. I first heard it when I moved to Paris. There was a class for expats with that title. I loved the idea that no matter where we are, what we have going on, there is an opportunity to bloom. Over the last few months, I have thought of this saying a lot. 

I’ve seen people bloom in spite of unprecedented circumstances and in spite of not being able to do “business as usual”. Almost everyone I’ve spoken to over these last few months has had to let go of ideas & assumptions on “how” business & life happens and find a way to work with “what is”. 

By having to let go of the way we’ve always done it, we’ve woken up to new insights and realizations. Some as simple as realizing most of the rushing & busyness was not necessary. As a result, we are less preoccupied and more connected to the people in our lives. For others, it was realizing that they were on autopilot and doing things a certain way because that’s how it’s always been done. By being forced to look at things in a fresh way, they are energized and more enthused than they’ve been in a long time. 

By holding on to the familiar we miss what is new and fresh.

When we look for what is blooming or what is waking up, we give it room to grow and to expand. Often the knowing sits beneath the appearance of the ordinary. What is blooming is sitting beneath our current circumstances. It requires we listen beyond our habitual thinking; beyond our strategies, our images or our ideals.

What if it’s possible to bloom, right where you are, with what you have? What if something is already there, blooming?

When we become present to what is within us, we begin to co-create with what wants to come through us.

Beneath the surface of our minds, lies a rich, deep and vibrant nature, our true nature. Some refer to this as our deeper intelligence. Others refer to it as the life force that funds all living things, including us. What we call it, is less important, than getting our own experiential knowing of it.  

There is an intelligent energy behind all of life that is powering our mind and is a potential source for all kinds of new thinking. 

When we look, explore and get reflective, we see it. It starts to take shape and opens us up to new ideas and new potential. It points to the incredible resourcefulness of our minds to give us what we need when we need it – including new ideas. When we understand that there is an endless supply of possible things to think, we ask ourselves, “What else?” 

That intelligent, life-giving source is moving through us and all of life at all times. It is not stagnant. 

This is the source of our creativity. Ideas, aha moments, fresh insights are there beneath the surface. When we get ok with “what is”, we begin to open up to the opportunities that are available. We get comfortable in the unknown and know that regardless of circumstances, our capacity for fresh ideas, new thought and solutions is never limited.

There is always something blooming. 

Letting go of the way we think it should be or want it to be, often shows us what is already present. What is already blooming. We need to let go to make room for what wants to come through.

Sometimes letting go means letting go of what worked before or letting go of an image we have of ourselves, or perhaps our desire to please others. When we let go and get curious about what is there, we are often pleasantly surprised. 

We can look and listen for what is alive, and it will point us in a direction. If we lean into what is alive, follow the nudges, something begins to take shape. We begin to bloom. 

There is a quote from Anais Nin, “And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful than the risk to bloom”. 

This speaks to the freedom and aliveness we experience when we let go of our preconceived ideas or our insecure thinking and follow what is waking up within. Sometimes it’s forced upon us by life circumstances and sometimes our spirits cannot help but follow an inspired idea. 

Regardless of the initial catalyst for it, there is something beautiful and transformative about letting what is alive within us, come through us.

What is present and ready to bloom within you?

“When we become present to what is within us, we begin to co-create with what wants to come through us.”

When we engage with what is blooming, we experience our own aliveness.