Allow Space for More Creativity & Greater Results | Blog

Allow Space for More Creativity & Greater Results

This last week, I had a client in town for an intensive. We had a wonderful 4 days together. At the end these intensives, I am always reminded of the power of space. Internal space and space in our day. Having the space to reflect & slow down never ceases to bring forth insight, clarity, new discoveries and a deeper, richer experience of life. From this space, they go back to their lives with a fresh perspective, new hope and a way forward.

Often when I speak to leaders and entrepreneurs about taking 3-4 days away from their world & their work, they have an immediate reaction. They say something like, “There is no way I can get away from my work for that long.” They almost always have this shock in their voices and look at me as if I might be a little crazy. 

I get it. Time is precious. I often feel like I need more of it to get everything done. I often live in the experience of, “I’m behind” or “I need to get more focused, work harder.” My mind can get pretty busy. My internal “idle” can run on high. 

Like many people I work with, I too get bogged down by all my thinking. I can lean too much on my intellect to figure things out, work them out, and it keeps my mind full. I am busy thinking about my day, my schedule, the things I need to get done. Or as I’ve shared before, I can get lost for hours diagnosing myself or my business and then looking for the cure.

Yet, we have a more powerful and leveraged internal asset available to us. When we tap into it, we immediately benefit. We access new levels of creativity, resilience and well-being. It’s the quickest route to fresh thinking, problem solving, and deeper connection to others.

The only “problem” is it requires space. 

When we are sped-up internally, it is hard to see beyond the feeling of urgency, pressure, stress or anxiousness. We are more reactive, and our minds are full. Very full. When our minds are full, reactive or busy, it impairs our view and our abilities. Very simply, the more internal noise the less we hear the signal. 

It’s counter intuitive to realize that less is actually more when we’re already feeling behind or feeling the pressure of deadlines and a to do list. And when we’re reactive, and we don’t see it as a state-of-mind, or experience being brought to life via our thinking, we respond to it. We get busier, we effort more. This is the illusion.

More often than not, the challenges we face in our business and lives do not require more action but more space.

When we don’t realize that overthinking, busyness, a high internal idle actually impedes creativity, inspiration, resilience and productivity, we are a victim to it. When we see the incredible benefits of space; space in our minds and in our lives, we can leverage it. 

Clarity, insight, inspiration and creativity are not a product of more thinking, more work and more pressure. They come from another place. They come from a freer mind. An open, spacious mind.  

If you did a google search you would see that more and more research supports what we can see for ourselves. Taking a break, allowing time and space to reset, refresh and slow down is the source of many wonderful benefits.

When clients take time away from their normal routines, from all their pressure, deadlines and problems, they are often shocked at the real value it provides. They get solutions to problems they’ve been struggling with; they have new thinking about a relationship, a partnership or their future. They feel inspired again and connected to their purpose. They return to their work and lives with a renewed clarity.

This is the power and value of space. 

When we allow space and time for our minds to wander and meander with no destination, we naturally fall into a deeper intelligence within. We are naturally more present.

We go beyond the noise and access the signal.

This space is alive with depth, insight, well-being and fresh perspective. From here we access greater levels of creativity and brilliance. We are more productive and efficient.

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, mentally exhausted or your “idling on high”, I encourage you to take a break. Get some space. In your mind and your day. See the amazing capacities our minds have to give us what we need when we allow them more freedom and we give ourselves permission to take our foot off the accelerator.

“More often than not, the challenges we face in our business and lives do not require more action but more space.”

Beyond the noise and static of our busy minds lies the signal – the wisdom.