6 Internal Shifts That Unlock New Potential & Momentum | Blog

Listen for & step into inspired action

“What if the key to unlocking new potential isn’t about trying harder or doing more, but about allowing what is alive within to be expressed?”

Last week, as I led a live virtual mini-course called INSPIRED ACTION, I witnessed something magical.

As participants engaged, shared, and explored, one truth became clear: our greatest potential isn’t locked behind more strategies or better behaviors – it’s waiting to emerge from within.

During the week, we explored several key questions:

  • What dormant potential is waiting to be awakened within you?
  • What becomes possible when you align with what’s truly alive instead of what you “should” do?
  • How might your ideas flow into the world if you stopped overthinking or forcing and started flowing?
  • What wants to be expressed through you?

Accessing new potentials and possibilities in our work and lives begins from the inside out. 

When we want things to change, it’s common to focus on the behaviors we think we need to change to make that happen, or we look for the right formula or strategy. 

Yet, those efforts often fall short. Not because we don’t care or have a discipline issue but because we’re pulling the wrong lever. We’re focusing on the wrong end of the stick. 

Behavior is the byproduct of our internal state. 

What’s happening inside informs what we see, how we perceive it, and the actions we take. 

For the most part, anytime I’ve experienced what has looked like a problem with my business or in developing a new path forward in my work, I find resolution by looking within first.

I love the analogy of the tree. 

The visible part of the tree is the trunk, branches, and leaves. This represents the outward appearance of our work, our behaviors, and our results.

What we don’t see are the roots beneath the ground, which provide the tree with rich soil, nutrients, stability, and growth. These roots symbolize the unseen internal forces, efforts, emotions, and states that fuel and support the visible part.

Throughout the week, we explored six internal shifts that enable us to move from inspiration to action and experience more momentum and aliveness in our work and life.

  1. Align
  2. Listen
  3. Engage
  4. Feel For The Natural Momentum & Flow
  5. Stay Agile & Open
  6. Repeat

Just as a tree’s strength flows from its roots to its branches, your impact in the world flows from these six internal shifts:


1. Align: What are you aligning to or with – what’s your starting point internally?

Old inspiration or what is here – now?

Your inner guidance or formulas?

Are your actions aligned with your inner knowing or driven by external pressure?

What you’ve seen others do or what is alive within you?

Key Idea: Where you start inside informs your actions and the resulting outcomes.


2. Listen: Have you gone beyond the noise to the deeper signal?

Are you hearing your authentic inner voice or the noise of “shoulds” and expectations?

Are you listening to surface thoughts or deeper wisdom?

Can you hear the whispers of intuition beneath the loud demands of urgency?

Key Idea: Deep listening creates the space for wisdom to emerge and insight to surface.


3. Engage: Are you in the game or analyzing on the sideline?

Are you hesitating at the edge or diving into what calls you?

Are you dismissing those subtle inner nudges or honoring them through action?

Can you engage fully while holding outcomes lightly?

Are you waiting for perfect conditions or starting from where you are?

Key Idea: When we allow ourselves to take action in the direction of our inner wisdom, we come alive. We get more information through action. 


4. Feel For the Natural Momentum & Flow: Where is the energy moving?

What feels energizing versus depleting?

Where do you sense natural momentum building?

Are you forcing or flowing?

What pathways are opening up organically?

Key Idea: There is a distinction between the pace of our mind and the natural pace. When we tap into the natural momentum, we experience more ease and flow.


5. Stay Agile & Open: How are you adapting and evolving?

Can you pivot when new information emerges?

Are you attached to outcomes or open to possibilities?

Are you learning from what’s unfolding?

Can you hold plans loosely while staying committed? 

Key Idea: When we remain agile and open, we allow unexpected opportunities and possibilities to evolve.



That’s it! 

These six orientations aren’t a formula but a pathway to accessing the alignment, wisdom, energy, and potential that already lives within you.

They are the pathway to letting what is alive in you be expressed through you.

Like the invisible root system of a tree, your internal landscape creates the foundation for everything that becomes visible in your work and life. 

When you align, listen, engage, feel for the flow, stay open, and keep showing up – magic happens. Not because you’re following a prescribed path but because you’re co-creating with your inner knowing.

Take a moment right now. Close your eyes. Which of these shifts is calling to you? That gentle pull you feel? That’s your next inspired action waiting to emerge.

Trust it. Follow it.

Watch what unfolds when you allow your fullest expression.

Like the invisible root system of a tree, your internal landscape creates the foundation for everything that becomes visible in your work and life.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” – Martha Graham