Could A Problem or Circumstance Be Pointing You To New Potential? | Blog What Is The Deeper Invitation? It’s time for a change, or change is already underway, but we don’t have a clear view of the future. What do we do? Over the last year, I have found a...
How Letting Go of Expectations & Perfectionism Helps Us | Blog Can You Lighten Up? What do perfectionism, expectations, and pressure all have in common? They are made of thought. They are made of beliefs, ideas, and cultural conditioning, and when we don’t...
You Are Not Fragile or Broken. You Are Whole & Complete. | Blog Do You See Your Wholeness? With all the attention on the New Year, I vacillate between enthusiasm and indifference. I can relate to the hopefulness of possibility as well as the cynicism of...
Let Go of Productivity & Enjoy More Moments of Presence | Blog It’s Ok. You’re Ok. I’m writing this email from the plane as I make my annual trip home for the holidays. I wish I could say I’m filled with anticipation and excitement that I get to be...
Do You Need to Behave in a Certain Way to Be Deserving? | Blog You Are Deserving As You Are Does it ever make sense to withhold compassion? Does it make sense to hold back support, financial or otherwise, unless someone “deserves” it? Do you need to behave...
Do You Need to Behave in a Certain Way to Be Deserving? | Blog You Are Deserving As You Are Does it ever make sense to withhold compassion? Does it make sense to hold back support, financial or otherwise, unless someone “deserves” it? Do you need to behave...
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