How to Follow Your Inner Guidance & Let Go of Other People’s Opinions | Blog

How to Follow Your Inner Guidance & Let Go of Other People’s Opinions | Blog

How do we quiet the noise of other people’s opinions, nosiness, and judgments? How do we stay connected to the inspiration and clarity of our path? People have opinions about things. They have opinions about you. They have opinions about what you’re doing and, at times, may question your motives or decisions or think they know what would be better for you.

Distinguishing Between The Pace of Our Mind and Natural Momentum | Blog

Distinguishing Between The Pace of Our Mind and Natural Momentum | Blog

I’m moving. This has been a while in the making. Over the last year, I’ve wondered if it might be time for a move. At one point, it felt urgent, “Yes, it’s time. Go now.” When I felt restless and discontented, a move looked like the remedy. My mind would start rushing, figuring out where I would live and all the details that would need to be handled. I would think about packing up my house, which would feel overwhelming. Noticing these feelings was my guide. They were the wake-up call that I was ahead of myself.

The Surprising Value of Allowing Our Business & Life to Unfold | Blog

The Surprising Value of Allowing Our Business & Life to Unfold | Blog

Over the last two years, I have found myself on a path of dismantling old ideas and paradigms of what it takes to have a successful business, serve, and contribute to the world in a way that funds my spirit and my life.
I have met my conditioning time and time again. What do I mean by that? I’ve come face to face with the internal beliefs that have driven many of my actions throughout my career.

Why You May Not Want to Believe Everything You Think | Blog

Why You May Not Want to Believe Everything You Think | Blog

I was sitting on my couch, having a cup of coffee, and reading when a loud thump made me jump. I looked over and realized a bird had collided with my window. While reading “When birds hit windows,” this sentence stood out for me, “Most often, window collisions happen because birds see various reflections in the glass and mistake those reflections for something real.” My immediate thought when reading this was, “Yeah. I get it. Me too.”

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